Life Size Body Biography: Character Analysis CCSS ELA-Literacy 4-12
Multiple Intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)
Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart”)
Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)
Essential Categories of Teaching
2. Summarizing and note taking
3. Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
4. Homework and practice
6. Cooperative learning
7. Setting objectives and providing feedback
Your students will be able to…
-review the characteristics of adjectives.
-define the literary term “character trait” and explore how to provide details that support their inferences.
-conduct research using Internet reference resources to find accurate and descriptive word choice.
-explore perspective by writing descriptive word lists from the point of view of a character in a novel unit.
Thinking about this activity for your next unit? Great! You can use the life size body biography with any book, short story, film, or play! You can even use it for non-fictional characters
–Character analysis represents one of the most common assignments given in English literature
–The body biography provides an opportunity for students to explore the supporting reasons for the traits they have chosen for their character’s visual
The Life Size Body Biography looks great hanging in your classroom! Check out the student examples.
Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC