
Growth Mindset Activities Bundle for your students to get on board with goal setting and back to school fun! Great for teachers to promote goals, vision, empathy, inspiration, effort, challenges, making mistakes, being flexible, collaborating, criticism, talent, obstacles, and results. Priced to save money if you buy them all together. Teachers get it all – from a poster, flip book, pennant, interactive fan, and mind map (for print and digital learning).

★Includes all for you to use right away in your classroom for back to school!
★Will make great displays for back to school night, meet the teacher night, curriculum night, and open house
★ Great options! The mind map activity is formatted for Google Drive™.
★ High engagement (you’ll see renewed interest)
★ College readiness
★ Happy students

Please provide me with really appreciated feedback!

Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC

Additional information

Grade Level

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