Starting With Flip Books Bundle. Priced to ensure the buyer gets a nice discount.
Are you looking to start a new and fresh student centered approach in your classroom? Want to “talk” less and give your students opportunities for success? Try an interactive flip book!
The materials in this bundle were carefully chosen to appeal to multiple grade levels and can easily be adapted to your students’ needs.
Each “flap” is ¾ inch and is ready for you to easily line up by using the directions on how to assemble the organizers. Includes:
★Short Stories Collection: Interactive Layered Flip Book and Answer Keys
★The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: Reading, Writing, Craftivity, and Flip Book
★Pocketful of Poetry Flip Book
★R.A.C.E Writing Strategy: Interactive Notebook Mini Flip
Aligned and Outlined ELA Common Core State Standards, 6-12 Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC