Active Reading Task Cards, 2 Printables, use one of them as a Classroom Poster! Use Task Cards for Differentiation!
You can…
Upload the cards’ file/PDF to your classroom webpage.
Encourage parents to use them for reviewing with their child.
Test Review
Set the cards up at stations and have students answer the question cards
Prepare for state testing
Use the cards with Early Finishers
Share your HOLIDAY FREEBIE DOWNLOAD with other language arts teachers to create consistency…
Promote High Interest Reading with a classroom book cart…Once a month, apply the cards to their independent reading for a grade.
Cards are very useful in reading short articles for timed reading assessment. You can assign a card for post reading discussion.
There are 12 task cards based on the common core standards for English Language Arts. There is one really fun printable featuring a checklist for the 6 steps for an active reader and just added…another printable that you can use as a classroom poster.
The cards are highly appropriate for grades 7-12. They come 4 to a sheet. Print them in color and they will look awesome! The questions are general enough to be applied to just about any text.
Enjoy your Holiday Reading Freebie!
Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC