
This Macbeth Themes Pack Includes:
25 Different themes for 25 days of teaching Macbeth!
-Each day bring one up on the smart board, projector, or overhead
-Coincide the theme with which part of the play you are currently reading. You can pick from 25!

-As students enter —Great Bell Ringer/ Do Now writing prompt.
-Fantastic post reading writing prompt.
-Easy way to start a pre-reading or post-reading discussion

-Print them out and place them around the room at stations…
-Assign partners to discuss/write about one and then present to class
-Place at your Macbeth literary center as a task

Colorful, clear, thought provoking, and eye catching.

**THIS PRODUCT is also included in the Macbeth Teaching Pack, sold in my store**

Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC

Additional information

Grade Level

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