Black History Month – Martin Luther King, Jr., U2’s “Pride, In the Name of Love,” Lesson, Video, and Activities
Teacher Notes…for you
Common Core Standards and Lesson Plan
U2’s “Pride, In the Name of Love” Song Lyrics Handout
(also for projector or smart board)
U2’s “Pride, In the Name of Love” 2 Video Clips and Background
(for projector or smart board, can also be a handout)
How to Analyze a Song Handout
Song Analysis Questions Worksheet
Audience Questions Worksheet
Song Analysis Graphic Organizers (3 pages of breaking down the language and lyrics)
Great to use as a pre-reading exercise to introduce civil rights, Black History Month, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday in January, American Literature, Social Studies, the 1960’s.
This activity can be accomplished in 2-3 class periods; follow-up activities would extend the activity.
Suggested for high school students grades 9-12, higher education History, Literature, home school grades 9-12, and adult education.
Easy! Can be done as a class discussion or in small groups, depending on your preference.
-respond (orally or in writing) to the lyrics, music and video imagery of U2’s “Pride, In the Name of Love”
-appreciate the way in which words, music and images interact to create meaning.
-understand that music and videos can be significant forms of historical and cultural expression.
-recognize the cross-curricular excitement of the arts with social studies and literature.
-comprehend that there may be multiple interpretations of a work of art (including the artist’s).
I love U2. We all need a little Bono in our lives.
Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC