This Nelson Mandela collaborative poster is perfect for a biography study, rhetorical analysis, African history, or for any classroom activity that focuses on freedom and human rights. The captivating life story of Nelson Mandela is so powerful. This poster is a teacher request! I was so proud to create it for teachers and students everywhere to enjoy!
You will only need to print this one time per class! That’s it. The Nelson Mandela collaboration poster project is a perfect size to laminate. The finished poster is 3.3 feet tall by 2.6 feet wide. – Comes with a bonus row for more students.
Builds classroom community. You’ll love watching your students collaborate. The activity is designed for students to have fun, communicate and work together. The writing activity is truly insightful and reflective. I love seeing the personal touches made to each poster piece.
Nelson Mandela Poster includes:
★ Explicit and complete directions from start to finish – writing, reflection, coloring, and assembling.
★ An optional row of pieces in the event you have more students – Over 25? No problem!
★ A writing activity that includes one prompt, Nelson Mandela’s quote, “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” What does he mean by this? What is the significance of this quote?
★ I include a coloring guide for each poster piece. Your students will know what colors to use.
Recommended supplies needed: crayons, colored pencils, scissors, tape or stapler
Please provide me with really appreciated feedback!
Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight, 2018.