
WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, Maya Angelou: Her Life and Poem, “Still I Rise.” The poem appeals to everyone and you will find many ways to make connections with your students. Great to use as a pre-reading exercise to introduce civil rights, Women’s History Month, Black History Month, National Poetry Month, Poetic Devices, American Literature, Social Studies, the 1960’s, figurative language, hyperbole, repetition, rhetorical question, metaphor, simile, rhyme, word cloud, expressiveness.

Each flap is ready for you to easily line up by using the directions on how to assemble the organizer.
★Biography questions and answer key
★Still I Rise, questions and answer key
★Still I Rise, poetic devices and answer key
★Word Cloud Activity and answer key
★The poem, Still I Rise (original)
★The poem, Still I Rise (adapted version of the poem for grades 6-8)

The poem appeals to everyone and you will find many ways to make connections with your students. Great to use as a pre-reading exercise to introduce civil rights, Black History Month, National Poetry Month, Poetic Devices, American Literature, Social Studies, the 1960’s, figurative language, hyperbole, repetition, rhetorical question, metaphor, simile, rhyme, word cloud, expressive

This activity can be accomplished in 2-3 class periods; follow-up activities would extend the activity.

Suggested for students grades 6-12, higher education, history, literature, poetry, creative writing, non-fiction, home school grades 6-12, and adult education. You know your students best. I recommend being familiar with the poem.

Easy! Can be done as a class discussion or in small groups, depending on your preference.

-recognize the cross-curricular excitement of the arts with social studies and literature.

Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC

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Grade Level

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