English Language Arts Classrooms Just Got Colorful!
There are many beautiful Pinterest boards of elementary school classrooms with the most wonderful themes, colors, decoration, and inspiration. Let’s face it, decorating a secondary classroom is different.
How is decorating a secondary classroom different?
- You might not stay in the same room all day. Therefore, you are sharing a teaching space.
- Decorating for a particular subject matter can be tricky due to the lack of up-to-date and stylish decor.
- Many high schools are used on the weekend for community events. This opens up the chance for things to be moved, removed, and sometimes destroyed.
- As secondary teachers, our mindset is that our students don’t typically get excited about a decorated classroom.
I’ve found a resurgence of excitement in decorating my classroom. I do it for my students. But I realized something. I also do it for me. It makes me feel really great to be in a colorful and inspiring learning space. The last two school years I’ve been lucky to be in the same classroom for the majority of the school day.
I always loved classroom pennants. They look great on bulletin boards, hanging on walls, doors, windows, above a book shelf, draped on a teacher’s desk, and even across the room hanging from the ceiling. I am most passionate about teaching literature and it is the center of my lessons. I tie everything in with our readings.
Literature + a pennant = ELA Classroom Decor: Make Your Own Pennant Banner
I went to work! I had the template from two book themed pennants I made earlier this year.