Of Mice and Men: Interactive Layered Flip Book English Language Arts Common Core State Standards, 9-12 Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
8 pages – each “flap” is ¾ inch and is ready for you to easily line up by using the directions on how to assemble the organizer. Includes:
Each chapter has study guide reading comprehension questions to fill In
Answer key for the study guide questions
Characterization chart and answer key
The Great Depression Era, The Migrant Worker, and California
Themes • Foreshadowing • Symbols fill in
American Author, John Steinbeck • Novel Background
Glossary Terms and Cultural References
Print in color or gray scale. White paper or color paper.
Great alternative to the run-of-the-mill study guide. Students will practice reading / summarization skills, recalling details, writing and inference skills And everything will be in this one packet! Great for Center Task / Differentiation -Fast Finishers and Review.
Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC