The Day the Crayons Quit: Interactive Flip Book Companion
by Drew Daywalt (Author), Oliver Jeffers (Illustrator)
My sons hear me read it aloud to them and its so sweet to watch their excitement for each page.
★Use it after your class enjoys a class wide read aloud of the book.
★Discuss why the crayons had enough, and why they are threatening to quit.
★September 30th is Support the Crayons Day! Use the hashtag #supportthecrayons on social media and see what other schools are doing to support the crayons.
★This activity promotes independent thinking, a student centered classroom, and differentiation.
★Sentence completion activity
★Creative coloring activity
★a cover
★all 12 colors are represented in the flip book with its own page.
Appropriate for grades K-2, due to the appeal, I’ve seen it used in grades 3-4, too. Directions are clear and explicit.
Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC