The Most Dangerous Game: Student Centered Activities and Rubric Checklist
American Literature- short story, written by, Richard Connell
★Writing Prompts
★Timeline Activity
★Foreshadowing and answer key
★Venn Diagram
★Ship Trap Island Activity
★Plot Diagram and answer key
★Rubric / feedback form
Print the activities and the rubric checklist double sided. Or you can print the activities sheet separate. Then, use the rubric checklist to assess however many you choose to assign. I made the writing prompt, foreshadow, and Venn diagram required. The plot diagram should also be required. The rubric was copied double sided. I used both sides to fill in the grades.
I do not use an elaborate rubric for the activities. If you are required to use a rubric, I recommend a PARCC aligned rubric or a CCSS ELA rubric that your school has approved.
Created by Danielle Knight, © Study All Knight ™, The Knight Stuff, LLC