I am exploring all options in utilizing my blog page. I’ve had my blog since 2012. The last year my teaching practice has taken a turn toward embracing technology. Currently, I facilitate a closed online group through Google. It is for the teacher cadets class I have the privilege to teach. You can set up a closed group for your students to post assignments, answer discussion questions, and respond to feedback.
I have a teaching partner that fully utilizes her Google drive and her Google site. On the Google site she posts the syllabus and any pertinent materials that are relevant tho the unit we are on.
I hope to explore the ways I can use my teaching blog to enhance my own teaching practice. So far I use it to exchange ideas on how to use materials. I want to use it for reflections purposes. As in our daily practice we are taught to reflect.
Today a very well respected administrator visited my teacher cadets class. He told them, “teaching is one of the only professions that you can start over every year and try again,” I thought about this. It is brilliant. When is this statement true? When you reflect on your practice. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes…just make a note, talk about it with colleagues, and read online. You’ll find many teachers making the same mistakes and recovering. –year after year.
I hope you enjoy my blog re-launch. My plan is to have the new design launched by 4/16. There is a celebration being planned as I type this post. A giveaway? A sale? I new freebie to go with the Study All Knight blog? Probably all 3.
Thank you for stopping by! Be sure to follow my blog on Bloglovin to get updates on my blog re-launch. Have a great weekend!