This Martin Luther King, Jr., “I Have a Dream,” collaborative poster combines writing, reflection, coloring, creativity, and group work! All inspired by promoting American hero and civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. and his iconic speech, “I Have a Dream.”
The collaborative poster features a writing activity and brain-friendly fun. Students will collaborate to assemble the poster for your classroom wall, bulletin board, classroom door, hallway, lobby, or library. Get your students enthusiastic by celebrating Martin Luther King’s birthday in January and Black History Month in February.
This type of unit is usually covered in English language arts or history. Watch students and staff stop and look at your MLK poster…”I Have a Dream,” poster is eye-catching!
This product allowed students to cooperate and show some creativity and I tied it into our Black History Month discussion and lessons.
Jackie P., teacher feedback.
The ” I Have a Dream,” poster includes assembly instructions, writing activity instructions, coloring directions, and helpful tips to make it the best ever! You will only need to print this one time per class! That’s it. The collaboration poster project is a perfect size to laminate. The finished poster is 3.3 feet tall by 2.6 feet wide.
My students wouldn’t let me take this down. We had it up all year.
Amie M., teacher feedback.
This is a great classroom management tool, too! The message is so meaningful and reflective. You’ll love watching your students collaborate. The activity is designed for students to have fun, communicate and work together. The writing activity is truly insightful and provoking. I love seeing the personal touches made to each poster piece.
- Explicit and complete directions from start to finish – writing, coloring, and assembling.
- An optional row of pieces in the event you have more students
- Over 25? No problem! It comes with bonus pieces.
- A writing activity focusing on “I Have a Dream.”
Loved this. Everyone in my school was impressed with how these turned out in the hallways with my 3 core classes of 5th graders after analyzing the rhetoric and language in MLK Jr.’s speech.
Alexandria M, teacher feedback.
Martin Luther King Jr, Writing Activity, Timeline, Sketch Notes, Teacher Lesson$5.99
Martin Luther King Jr, “I Have a Dream” Collaborative Poster, Writing Activity$5.99
Martin Luther King Jr, Collaborative Poster, Writing Activity$5.89
Martin Luther King, Jr., U2’s “Pride, In The Name Of Love,” Lesson, Activities$5.77
Recommended supplies needed: crayons, colored pencils, scissors, tape or stapler. I would allow two class periods for coloring, writing response, and assembling.